A First-Timer’s Recollection

An acquaintance of mine mentioned that she had just attended a Yakama Nation Pow Wow and how mesmerizing it was. She sent a short video of the Men’s Fancy Dance and was impressed with their skill and attire. She is non-Native and works over there in Central Washington from time to time, wanting very much to find an in-road to the people and the culture to make her job more effective.

Being the veteran of exactly one Pow Wow myself, I tried to point her toward various websites that explained Native Pow Wow etiquette. Not all tribes have the same rules or requirements and some are restricted to Tribal members only. I was glad to see that a Lakota man who also knew her chimed in and filled in a lot of helpful details for both she and I.

My point is to find out all you can about a Tribe’s customs BEFORE you go to one of their Pow Wows. Some allow photography; some don’t. Watch what you say. Respect is the key word. Don’t call their Pow Wow attire costumes…they are regalia. It is rude to point at someone. Always ask an Elder for help or to explain what is allowed if you are new and non-Native. Don’t assume anything.

My experience was awesome. It was a huge family affair and everyone was friendly, even though it was a competition in that case. If you get the chance, go and see it. You won’t be disappointed!

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